Mike Beckles
2 min readJan 26, 2022


Senate Minority Leader Would Gladly Be Seen As A Bumbling Old Fool Rather Than A Rabid Racist.

Mitch McConnell’s Freudian slip of the tongue as he addressed voting rights may have been shocking to some who are willfully blind. Still, it is difficult to see how anyone could believe the Kentucky Senator is anything but an old undercover racist.
Speaking after Republicans, with the help of fake Democrats Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema, killed passage of a new voting rights bill, McConnell said the following.
“Well, the concern is misplaced. Because if you look at the statistics, African American voters are voting in just as high a percentage as Americans”. “Ouch,” how could he let that slip? McConnell has been rather careful and deliberate with his speech his entire career, but it can be rather difficult to hold in who you are for so long.

Mitch’s slip of the tongue and his attempts to link himself to Dr. Martin Luther King’s Civil Rights campaign were both transparent and pathetic. How telling is it that as soon as a white racist is confronted with their racism, they default to having black friends or some distant association with someone black.
I have always said the efforts employed in covering up a crime are evidence of a crime.
But Mitch McConnell wasn’t done trying to convince the world what we heard from his mouth wasn’t real. Along with the later prepared faux outrage, he went on trying to convince us it was just an error.“This outrageous mischaracterization of my record as a result of leaving one word out inadvertently the other day … is deeply offensive,” he said during a press conference in Louisville Friday. “I’ve never been accused of this sort of thing before. It’s hurtful and offensive, and I think some of the critics know it’s totally nonsense.”Mitch said.
“Mitch Please.”
What total bullshit, the old curmudgeon had just rallied his caucus to vote against the right of Black People to freeking vote in the year 2022.

After literally inferring that Black voters are not Americans, something white supremacists have maintained for as long as the country existed, Mitch McConnell went back to the microphone. This is where the slippery turtle that is Mitch came through, and many missed it.
Back at the microphone, he claimed he left out the word ‘almost’
Again here is Mitch’s initial statement. “Well, the concern is misplaced. Because if you look at the statistics, African American voters are voting in just as high a percentage as____Americans. “Almost does not work there.
See, what Mitch attempted to do there was to play to his age; he wanted at that moment to be seen as a bumbling old man who makes mistakes, not a racist who got caught.

At that moment, the astute, ever scheming, deliberative Senate Minority leader would gladly be seen as a bumbling old fool rather than a rabid racist.
After his first attempt at correcting the record, he left the podium then returned to say the word he left out was ‘all”.
Nicely played Mitch, but that nice maneuver did not slip by me; I saw the play developing.
Nice try, though!



Mike Beckles

Mike Beckles is a former Police Detective, businessman, freelance writer, black achiever honoree, and creator of the blog mikebeckles.com.